Days #19 & 20 of 30 Day Minimalist Challenge

Well, something slightly significant has just happened I think. In yesterday's post I expounded on how I would not be trying to persuade my wife to cut down her (many hundreds of) books. For today's challenge I started selecting more books of mine from one of our bookcases.

"Are you really getting rid of that one?" she asked. I explained that it was a great book but I wasn't going to read it again and as it wasn't a great ornament I'd rather pass it on, via the charity bookshop where she works, for someone else to enjoy. As I'm selecting volumes from the shelves, she starts to join in and by the time we've finished there is a pile of 48 books on the floor.

I only needed 19 for today so decided that this will also include tomorrow's 20 items, with a few extra for good measure. Of course she has now refilled the bookcase with books from upstairs but it is a start!


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