Days #16 & 17 of 30 Day Minimalist Challenge

I've been away with work for a few days this week at a conference so had to pause the minimalist challenge until I got back. However I tried to keep my minimalist mind-set with me and refused the 'goodie bag' that I was offered and the enticements of the product stands. There is never that many goodies anyway, lots of leaflets mainly along with the usual conference nonsense - squidgy stress toys, inedible branded mints, pens etc. My house still has numerous freebies gathered from conferences past littering it so I was pleased to not add any more.

Yesterday and today have been clearing out bedroom wardrobes with lots of items that have not been used for many years.
Day 16
A suit I bought off ebay a few years back that didn't fit, a certificate from a charity event in 2004, old trainers, FOUR suit bags(!), an overcoat that I distinctly remember buying from Next in about 1995 but haven't worn for at least 10 years, and much more. The square foam thing in the middle of the picture was actually my wife's 'bump pillow'. It is shaped like a wedge and when she was heavily pregnant and trying to sleep on her side that would support the bump. A cool memory but given that our youngest is now 15 I don't think we need to keep hold of a tatty piece of foam - we certainly won't be needing it again!

And for today, just a trawl through the T-shirt section of my wardrobe. The only things of note, a T-shirt I bought at a Muse gig in 2009 and a St Louis Cardinals jersey that I found hanging up when I moved into a student house in 1988!
Day 17


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