Day #27 of 30 Day Minimalist Challenge - The Man Drawer

Hello, dear reader. It's been a while. Well, not that long really - 10 days. However 10 days feels like a long time to have fallen off the #minsgame wagon. Why? Oh, just life really or, more specifically, work. You can thank Michael McIntyre for my re-emergence. Or more correctly the person who decided to post his 'man drawer' clip onto the Facebook Page.

Now the first thing to admit is that I do indeed have a man drawer and it pretty much includes all the things that Mr McIntyre mentions. That means that it would be pretty easy pickings to pick off day 27 of my 30 day challenge surely. Don't believe me? Take a look.
Yup, there you go. Aside from the bit about take-away menus (we live in the countryside, nobody delivers out here) I think you'll find everything here. So could I pick out 27 items? Hell yeah! What was telling though was the extent to which I kept thinking "Hmm, but I might need that".

A case in point, the shoehorn. I really deliberated about letting go of that because heck, what if I need to use a shoehorn? Never mind the fact that I don't think I've ever used a shoehorn and certainly didn't know that we had one, what if I need it? I think I'll be able to survive without it. The collection of assorted things is too mundane to list but, in the interests of the completeness of my chronicling, here is the day 27 haul.
