Day #21 of 30 Day Minimalist Challenge - A Bit of Politics

I used to be really into politics. I still am at one level but certainly no longer believe in politicians. One of things that I have always believed strongly in though is that voting must be fair. It's always bothered me that people don't seem to care about this.

I was absolutely staggered in 2000 when more people voted for Al Gore and George Bush was elected. Not by the result but by the fact that the American people passively accepted this. You chose one guy but got another, how can you not be mad as hell? But they weren't. And then just this past year in 2016 we famously had the Clinton / Trump fiasco. An even bigger injustice this time and yet still nobody really was angry at the system. I just don't understand.

Anyway the point of all this is to say that I was really into reforming the electoral system here in the UK. I joined the Electoral Reform Society and even gave a couple of talks in schools on the topic. I eventually gave up when I realised that nobody else gave a shit. Why waste further effort?

And so when I found this stash of Representation the journal of the Electoral Reform Society sitting in a dusty pile it was easy to move it on to the recycling. By my calculation this lot had been sat on the windowsill in the spare room for about 13 years...
