It is hard to find the time to keep this blog updated but I am sticking to the 30 Day Challenge, finding more and more things to dispose of each day. There is just so much stuff in our house. It is a bigger challenge not to force my newly acquired minimalist ways onto the rest of the family - most of this crap isn't mine!
But today, on day 15 I think we have something of a breakthrough. Mugs. We have so many mugs in our house that they no longer fit in the cupboard and this has prompted the realisation amongst even my wife that yes, we have too many mugs. How many? Well 33 in fact. For 4 people.
Day 15 - Mugs! |
So in the last few minutes we have had the great mug cull and taken 15 mugs out of circulation and on their way to the charity shop. That still leave us with a lot of mugs but it is the first collective decluttering we've done (all 4 of us chose which mugs to retain) and that feels like it might just be significant.
Also a quick catch up on previous days hauls. DVDs and books which someone else can benefit from. The Office box set caused me to pause for a moment, I love The Office. However I've not watched it in many years and it is on Netflix so no need to keep hold of it. It's just more stuff.
Day 12 |
Day 13 |
Day 14 |
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