Day #7 of 30 Day Minimalist Challenge

I had to buy something today for the first time since starting on my minimalist journey (other than food & drink of course). What's more I couldn't even stop and wait to see if I really needed it.

I've played in bands on and off for years but after rehearsal on Monday night I had a loud hissing in my ears. This is quite common. It was still there the next morning, which is not unheard of but it stayed with me through the day and evening and was still there the next following morning. I could not shake the story of Craig Gill, the Inspiral Carpet's drummer who killed himself after suffering for years with tinnitus. In the wake of that there were lots of calls for musicians to look after their hearing and with rehearsals on two consecutive nights coming up I felt that I had to act. We are a loud band playing old school punk and I'm at that joyous point in middle age where I need to take care of myself. So one set of ear-plugs ordered and on their way.

What this did make me realise though is just how much I used to use Amazon. I mean several times a week, for just stuff. I can't see just how much I have ordered over the years but I can see that the first one was a copy of Round Ireland With A Fridge by Tony Hawks (not the skateboarder American readers) was back in February 1999! I don't even like Amazon - they don't pay their fair share of taxes. They're just so damned convenient...

Anyway, back to the minimalist challenge. An easy one today as I just raided the 'old tech' drawer in the kitchen. This drawer is jammed full of staff and none of it is of any use. If there was something useful in there then you would never find it beneath all the wires and chargers. So for today, 7 old and broken mobile phones. There were actually 8 but one will have to wait for another day! These will all be going to Oxfam tomorrow with whatever I can find for Day 8.
